Thursday, February 07, 2008

hahaha.. lets celebrate the start of the year of the mouse with some world famous cartoon mice..

Mickey & Minnie Mouse! Saw lots of made-in-china CNY decorations with prints of these Disney characters on sale, haha should be pirated de la.. But it's so cute, so i doubt anyone will care..
Bought a word FU adorned with golden glitter powder and flanked by these 2 cute characters. Will post pictures of my house's CNY decorations once i've uploaded them^^

Ahhh... Not to forget Jerry! Hailing from Tom & Jerry, the cartoon that i loved to watch when i was young. The witty little mouse which always outsmart the stupid big cat. It's repetitive, but audiences will not be bored, as Tom & Jerry are always full of funny & creative antics. Something like Sylvester & Tweety.. Haha the small but smart one will win. I'd read the report in Chinese papers 'xian zai' and the reporter wrote that there were complaints about the violent content in Tom & Jerry series. Hmm.. i didnt notice that when i was young and thinking back.. i dont think it's violent. Look at what we have now. Happy Tree Friends -thats what i call violent content packaged in a cheery (complete with bright colours & cute characters) & 'happy' form. But one neednt be a genius to tell that those irrelevant content are badly disguised.
Hmm.. it's 2am le..
Shall go Zzzzzz.. Need to wake up early tmr..
It's da nian chu yi!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well.. i havent done my nails yet.. no time.. i was busy packing/tidying my stuff on CNY eve..
CLOUD wishes everyone a HAPI HAPI mousey CNY
A very thank you to all my dearies who sent CNY wishes via sms to me, havent replied the majority of them cos my mobile phone inbox's already flooded since i-dunno-when.. So.. Paiseh la.. i dont mean to dao anyone..
It's Chinese New Year!
Lets paint the town red~

yunn. at 12:43 AM