Tuesday, May 27, 2008

It's MARDI GRAS again!^^

A festival organised by teejaycee once every 2 years. The prev time was in 2006, but i missed out on the majority of the activities then cos i'd sprained my ankle and sat at my CCS food stall for the whole night with Mei ling who happened to be injured from a fall. We poor things!
So this time round, i figured out that if i dun go, i wont wanna go back in future. Cos there's fewer familiar people and things around in the sch as the time goes by. So the nostalgia isnt there anymore. Like my pri sch, it looks totally alien to me now, with all the new buildings...

Went with Samarx and Xiuzhen..
Didnt bring camera that day as it was with my bro.. missed taking pictures of all that great costumes.. So i koped some pics off FB. From Stephanie's FB acct. Though she doesnt know me (but the whole sch population knows her) and i doubt she will find my blog, i thought i should give her some credit for taking and uploading the pics =p

Our dear tee jay tutors..
Hard to believe unless u see it right?
Mr Erwin (how to spell his name??) donned a super cute tiger suit! Complete with a long tail on the back & a headdress.

This one should be a student..
The outfit is cool yeah, erhmm but i cant say the same about his posture and facial expression. Don't quite fit with that outfit lorh~

I spotted several students holding those punk/gothic lolita dolls in their arms.. Very cool neh!
Only saw them once, they will look super damn cool if they were to dress alike with the dolls they have in their arms.

That's a tutor, but under all that white makeup, i cant tell who is it..
Quite interesting and daring outfit~~
The big white round shoes are so CUTE!!!

The green mask's from a certain Jim Carrey movie, i cant remember which.. cos he made so many comedies~
Quite a lot of people liked the bomb head and joker hat..

There are many many other interesting outfits.. Like the 3 sailormoon in outfits of 3 different colours, the cutest couple wear being The Flintstones, they even had a mobile 'car' of their own (remember Flintstones' type of vehicle?? People sitting or rather standing inside and walk along to 'propel' the vehicle? Haha might as well just walk together) But the idea to dress up as them is so darn cute lor^^
One guy had a bright orange wig, i dunno who's he trying to be.. but the loud hair colour certainly got many people's attention. The Bruce Lee wannabe in a bright yellow jumpsuit with black stripe looked cute too~ There's also Darth Vader and Neo from The Matrix hanging around the school too!
Feather queen, fluffy wings, little genies, Hogwarts uniform, kimono, han2 fu2 (korean traditional wear), lolita, royal princess, gladiator, magician, panda head...
Those gone bonkers would probably like the Grape, Strawberry and Watermelon suit (YES! U really become and look like a roly-poly strawberry when u don the bulky suit!.. wonder whose idea was that to rent such kawaii outfits)

For those on low budget, like a teejay guy whom i spotted... Super low budget one lorh!!!
Hmm.. what he did?

Just borrow from a not so slim classmate will do.
Quite cheapskate hor? Haha.. but not bad for coming up with the idea and daring to don it~

Tutors again~

Click to enlarge the pics to see who's who in there!~

Many HODs in there...
In other words, the gathering of the da4 pai2s..

Many people wondered who's the tutor beneath all that big hair, big shades and loud clothes..
He's none other than my J1 Civics tutor Mr Kao! haha~
3 years ago, many girls said that our tutor's the best looking among all the J1 CTs.. =D
But too bad la, he's already taken~ Hahahah..
It takes alot of courage and confidance to carry off this outfit. And he gamely posed for many pictures with students too^^

Fairy sprinkling some golden dust~~~

Aiyah no photoshop to add in the effects =x

Seen many juniors there.. And some old sch mates.. But as for the /05 batch, quite few of them turned up~ Only saw Kar Keat from my old 25/05 class. Sad wor..

Surprisingly saw Clover there (jian4 gui3 ah!) yeah that's what we said to each other when we met, didnt know she's turning up & vice versa. Saw Jia yi, Fiona, Angelina, Yan ning, Shi fang, Nessa, Sze sze, Angeline, Kathleen, Sin yee, Jessica, Pak, Sadia, Sonia, AJ, Lincoln, Desmond, Bei yi and many more!!~

The three of us went to the food stalls at arnd 930pm to get cheaper food, cos they will definitely lelong the food before the carnival draws to an end. Hehs.. Knew it from experience.

Each of us have $2 food coupons, included in the $7 entrance fee (inflation sia! it wasnt that expensive back then)
Got 2 brownies for $1, 1 box of spaghetti and 1 box of fried rice (buy one get one free) for $1 only (woahs! where to find? it originally sold for $2 per box), cups of ice cream at $0.50 each.

Then went back to get another box of spaghetti cos it tasted yummy =D
But we couldnt possibly finish 2 boxes again so i bargained to buy a box for $0.50. Then a girl came along with a trayful of sausages (going for 3 for $1), when i said i only have $0.50, she replied 2 for $0.50. Yeahs! So i ate a lot that night~ So full!

Walked towards Bedok Mrt station with XZ to her bus stop, then met Si jie along the way.. Accompanied me to take a train in the same direction. Realised she was the girl who donned a cute lion headdress (i rmb telling XZ and Sam that it'll be much cuter if this girl were to wear a full lion suit)
And it's so qiao3, i met Kar Keat at PR interchange and we took the same bus home. Though we just live in the same area, it had been a year ever since i last saw him. Hehe..

Cloud thinks Mardi Gras 08 is good but dun think she will return for Mardi Gras 2010

yunn. at 1:31 AM

Sunday, May 25, 2008


Found this psychological test on the Sanrio town website..
Interesting! And incredibly accurate too.. haha.. at least for mine yah..

Ice cream toppings and Love

Ice cream is a delicious frozen dessert. It has a sweet taste, just like love. The various toppings you choose to put on ice cream shows the kind of relationship you are looking for.

A. Colourful chocolate chips
B. Walnut chips
C. Strawberries
D. Cookies

Think carefully orhs~

A. Colourful chocolate chips
Type: Thrilling and exciting
People who choose choco chips have a tendency to be greedy. You do not take your relationships seriously and you just want to date anyone you like.

B. Walnut Chips
Type: Sensible and caring
The salty taste of walnut makes it the favourite for more mature people. The same applies to your relationship. Puppy love is not your cup of tea. Instead, you are searching for a more mature and lasting relationship where you and your partner can care for each other better.

C. Strawberry
Type: Completely Sweet Heart
Girls usually love strawberries, and like many other girls, you are looking for a relationship that is like a fairy tale. Like strawberries, love can be both sweet and sour. To you, a relationship is like a fairy tale adventure, where you hope to find your own prince charming, and everything must have a happy ending.

D. Cookie
Type: Soul Mate
The sweetness and softness of a cookie is like a happy relationship. You are looking for a happy, bright and cheerful relationship with your loved one. You hope that your loved one will not only be your partner, but also be your best friend and soul mate.

Found a couple of super duper kawaii videos on the Sanrio town page..
Kawaii Kupcakes:

Beautiful Bento sets:

They are just too cute to be eaten!!! wooo...

yunn. at 8:56 PM

Saturday, May 24, 2008

What luck!
Something unbelievable happened last week~

Every sunny morning, i'll put my pillow along the horizontal window grilles of my bedroom window to sun my pillow. 有香香枕头就有香香睡眠 =D

I was walking around my house (nothing better to do, just strolling along the hallway) as i walked by my bedroom, i looked in and saw that my pillow's like falling out of the window. Then, before i could step into my room, my pillow FELL OUT OF THE WINDOW! Right in front of my sight! Argh!
I went downstairs to find my pillow immediately...

To my surprise, i couldn't see it anywhere on the concrete ground or in the carpark or on any vehicles parked in the carpark.

I went forward and found it lying in the drain.


There's so much space on the ground, why on earth did my pillow choose to fly into the drain!
And it landed horizontally into the drain.
The drain's wet with stinky water somemore.. *faints*
Took my pillow upstairs, it was dripping longkang water along the way.. Sheeesh..
I left it outside my house (can't bear to part with it) but i eventually asked my mom to throw it away. Haiz.. Don't think i wanna use it again lorh..

'A series of unfortunate events'

Cloud needs to get a new pillow soon~

yunn. at 7:11 PM

Thursday, May 22, 2008


Heh.. I don't know what took me so long to post this.. Really..
Really backdating post i shall say..

For those who still don't know, Miss Cloud here has put braces in her teeth since the start of January this year. Whenever she goes to the dentist to tighten her braces (every month or so), she has to go on a soft food diet for around a week. Thereafter, the seriously deprived girl will just eat almost anything that's edible despite her weakened teeth. But she will take a whole lotva time munching and chewing. Heck! She just wanna eat la~

Firstly, shall start with some pictures~
Taken months ago =D
Giving everyone a glimpse of what i've been up to in the kitchen..

Creating my own 'line' of innovative porridges.. I love my 'good friend' the mini food blender (hmm.. i should have taken a picture with it and post it here too^^)
Thanks to the food blender, i can eat nutritious meals even when i'm on soft food diet! =D

Yin and yang.. LOL..
Created this on the spur of the moment. Yeah i know it looks like baby food. Heez.. My msn nick was once 'oh my baby food' when i was on a soft food aka baby food diet. Cos my teeth just can't chew, just like a baby without teeth.

The green part of the yin-yang thing was created by blending leafy vegetables with some porridge. I forgot what i'd used to create the yellow part. Was it potato? Corn? Cauliflower?

Do you think it resembles a ladybird?

Below: Green on green
Veggie lover ^^

Here's a picture taken when i was dining at Soup Kitchen..
Celebrating my birthday then with Cindy, June and Sam^^
The soups there rocks! Hehe.. The creamy potato based soup that i'd tried is really dense and yummy~ But those rich soups don't come cheap (of course!)

A more recent photo taken..
The slightly brown porridge was created by blending a mishmash of veggies with gou ji zi (wolfberries) and the yellow part was probably potato. With soft fishcakes and ngoh hiang.

Not to forget my other good friend ---- the chopping board!^^
Enables me to cut veggies and meat into smaller pieces before eating them to ease the stress of chewing on my teeth.

Some other food choices:
At home, japanese sweet potato (those purple skin ones) really rocks when blended together with a little porridge cos it's really sweet & dense! Pumpkin, potato are my favourites too.
Can be more experimental and have some fun creating some fun stuff when i'm at home.

Other than food, i drank lotsa fruit juices too. Besides the usual orange, apple..
I made myself super tasty banana milkshake, papaya milkshake, oreo banana milkshake (super sweeeeet! sweet oreo + sweet banana + sweet fresh milk = awww..) My recommendation if u are keen to get a sugar rush. Lol..

When i'm out, it's a little hard to source for soft foods, probably just mashed potato, porridge, hor fun, kway tiao, mee sua (but cannot eat the other ingredients in the dish), fried carrot cake.
Tofu and steamed fish aren't easy to find on it's own in food courts. And i can't possibly keep eating ice cream. Though i really love ice cream!! =p

So i prefer to eat at home, also can save $ that way. Budget budget! haha.. cos of inflation & rising food prices. bleahs..

By the way, i'm starting my Day One of soft food diet again today.. went to the dentist this morning. Hehe..
And to Xiu zhen who just started on her braces treatment.. jiayou too~
Yuan ting & Samarx's going to put braces too.. Hehe.. Like one by one, 25/05 people are going for braces.


yunn. at 8:20 PM

Wednesday, May 21, 2008



1. Nite - Sleep with air-con; Day - Bathe with heater on (hello people! we must save the Earth & conserve energy!)

2. Daytime - Cannot Wake up; Nite time - Cannot Sleep (yesyes!!! that's talking about me!~)

3. Translation is needed between Singaporean Chinese and Mainland Chinese

4. Smell Of rubbish beside letterboxes; Rubbish inside Letterboxes

5. Spore Chinese use different languages other than Chinese to communicate.

6. Sporean never like to vote, but like to complain (yes, i've read an article on Whiny Singaporeans who whine but don't lodge complaints)

7. There are quite a number of asset rich/cash poor in spore - They have Car, Credit Card, CPF but no Cash and is liable to lots of loans

8. There are quite a few high-tech barbaric Singaporeans -they know how to use state-of-the art equipment, 3G mobile phones and powerful computers but they have no idea how to use a simple dustbin or a toilet (amazing isn't it?)

9. Half of the Sporeans rushed to buy Hello kitty, but the other half are busy killing stray cats

10. Chewing Gum - Can Chew, Cannot buy??

11. Cigarettes - Convenient to buy; not convenient to smoke

12. Private Cars - Cheaper and Cheaper to buy, Harder and Harder to Maintain

13. Public Buses - Half the Crowd squeeze in the front section of the Bus, Second section is for Carrying Ghosts

14. Education - Teachers teach Less but expects students to learn More
(i've heard this since i was in secondary school, but i still can't figure out how it works even after graduating from junior college, oohs well.. the fked up education system we have here)

yunn. at 12:12 AM

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Luckless streak in job seeking.. Sians..

Started job seeking in mid March when i realised that i'd been slacking at home for more than a month. Then when i'd gotten the cartooning (art teacher) job, calls from job agencies started coming in. 'Hello, are you looking for a job??' Damn it! They are so slow can?!? The cartooning job sounds interesting, but the person in charge didnt fulfil his promise of giving more assignments, so i'm like stuck with only 1 assignment which took up the whole of my month of April. Hard to find other jobs this way. And cos of this job, i turned down an interview for the Canon job, i thought my chances arent high anyway. It seems that the interview is quite 'important' and i received email of confirmation and printed the application form which is so thick, it's hard to believe they are just looking for temporary staff!~
But alias, it's a BIG company after all.. Maybe that's how it works in there.

Finally my contract for the art job ended, wanted to search for a proper full-time job. Through ST Classified, i found an audit clerk job, agreed on the pay of $6/h and was prepared to start work real soon. Then came the 'bomb', the person emailed me to say the pay is $5/h. Walau eh! I haven't even started work, they wanna dock my pay?!? WTH. WTH. And from the way she put it, it's like a 'take it or leave it' kinda thing. So i shot back with an email to say that i aren't taking up this job anymore.

Time continued to pass~

Last week, i started work as a property agent's personal assistant. On the morning of the 2nd day of work, i received a call from a job agency to tell me that the job as Customer Service Counterstaff is now available. OMG! DAMN IT LA! I'd rang them up so long ago that i almost forgot about it and now they are quite desperate to find people to fill up the vacancies. I guessed that those people they shortlisted had gotten jobs by the time they called up the 2nd round. I pretended that i'll ask my friend about it, hehe actually i'm the one interested in it, but i cant possibly say that out when i'm in the office. But later in the day, i received a call to tell me that the positions are being filled =x
Sians.. Then on monday, the office called me to say that 'they don't want to leave my hanging & asked me to look for other jobs' WTF! They 'hung' me for days already loh.. the boss didnt confirm with me whether he wanted me to continue working. Thur say Fri confirm, Fri say Sat, Sat say Sun.. Think i'm a fool is it?!?
Made me waste chances of working in White Sands or Tampines Mall because of this..

So i'm more concerned whether i can get my pay, cos frankly speaking, i don't like that job. So hectic, handling numerous calls a day in a small office. The first day that i started my 'training' (in other words, free labour.. i think that's the reason why the boss asked as many people as possible to come down for training), i think i gotta die from excessive radiation as we answer the calls from several mobile phones if i were to work here for a longer period. The phone's like practically stuck to my ear, as i answered 1 call after another. Or if the call lasts slightly longer, i may see '2 missed calls' showing up on the screen of the mobile phone.
To sum up, I think i've answered more calls in the office in a day than the total number of calls that i'll ever receive on my mobile phone in the entire year. You get the idea?

Plus no lunch break, the other girls in the office either skip lunch or bring in takaways into the office and have them at 4pm. Wah liao eh~ Bo xue yuan gong!

But i count that as an experience in handling calls & sounding nice and friendly over the phone though i arent exactly smiling. And i finally come to know how some BIG-TIME property agents can earn so much much more than others.

Have you ever wondered how those top achievers whose faces get plastered in full page ads in newspapers annually, score so many deals? At least i did wonder. NOW i know.. heh..

It's not a one-man show, though eventually only that one man gets the credit.

Time continued to pass..
Need to get a job soon!~

yunn. at 12:00 AM

Monday, May 19, 2008

Go Orchard shopping with YW on 15 may~~~

$$$ flew away..

expected yeah..

cos we went for Isetan private sales.. though it's supposedly a private sales, there's a whole lot of people in there.. as long as someone flashes the Isetan card, YW used her mom's and i just walked in beside her, dont even need to show the admission coupons. So i figured out that one neednt necessarily be a member or hold the admission coupon to get in. Just stick close to the auntie in from of u in the queue and pretend she's your mom. Heh..

Spent a total of slightly more than 100 bucks on that day~

Woots.. bought clothes & a book on DBSK from Kinokuniya. Recently, i realised that Kino's a place that will make me spend loads of $$$ on. Japanese and taiwanese magazines. Books (those idol related books, or comics type... definitely not those intellectually stimulating kind.. well, i know i arent studious though i secretly hoped that i would be)

Saw Cindy and Limin in Kino!~
Heh.. Actually i didnt see them, it's Cindy who heard us.. haha..
They went to the Isetan sales earlier on, Cindy seems to have bought much stuff while Limin seemed to be emptyhanded leh..

Ate at Food Republic in Ngee Ann City before heading for Isetan Scotts, the vintage old style themed food court. Nice environment to dine in, coupled with nice prices.. of course! Wanted to buy a bowl of beef noodles, saw the price $5.50, wanted to eat rojak.. alamak one plate $5 neh! Ended up going Western cos Fish and chips cost just $5.80.

Unlike YW, i didnt have anything in mind to buy.. She was bent on getting a wallet & she really did get a Guess wallet =D Somehow she fancies that brand. Dunno why leh, i arent attracted to Guess stuff. But i know i wont leave empty handed.. Hehe.. Tried on more clothes than YW, narrowed down my final choices for purchase, eliminating those more expensive ones. Liked the dark blue sundress from FashionLab, but $50+ after discount dont seem cheap. So had to忍痛割爱

Cloud's still as broke, cos i dont have a full-time job.. gotta continue watching my spending..
SIANS AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.. hate it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

yunn. at 11:28 PM

Sunday, May 18, 2008

22/05 gathering at Hog's Breath, Vivocity..

Met up with 2205 gals on tuesday after several months.. The previous outing was during december last year..

6 of us reached the slightly ulu (at least to some of us) restaurant at around 6pm. Didnt even know there's such a restaurant located beside the Daiso on level 3 in Vivo.. Haha.. Only Simin the organiser knows the way.
When we reached there, the restaurant's quite or rather practically empty, we're like bao1 le4 this whole place like that =D
Many of the waiter, waitresses there looked very young, Limin called them the 小孩子.. Haha.. Yeah they looked barely 16 to me. So petite somemore~

While waiting for Emilie, Kang ya and Constance to arrive, we ordered food cos Hui xuan's hungry.. Hehe..

Atlantic salmon which Limin and hui xuan ordered.. we've a choice of veggies or salad, baked potato, mashed potato or fries^^
While reading the menu, Cindy missed out the word 'or' and asked me 'why are there so many potatoes?' heh.. if there're really that much potatoes in the dish, i dun think people can finish it before they get sick of potatoes =p

Yuan ting ordered fish and chips.. the salad tastes really very 'green' very raw...

I also chose salad over veggies, asked for mayonaise (yes, i know it's fattening.. just don't remind me of that for the timebeing) to go with the salad, if not i cant stand the 'green-green' taste.

Li min. Yuan ting. Hui xuan.

Si min. Cindy with me =D
Wonder what si min's doing then??

All 3 of us sitting in the same row ordered this, chicken dijonaise.. but with potatoes done in a different style. I like Cindy's finely mashed potato with a cheesy taste. My fries, tasted well.. just like french fries, but it's in a spiral shape. Didnt try the baked potato with sour cream inside..

The veggies on Simin's plate: Corn and broccoli.. look so healthy lorh~

When 3 of our VIPs arrived, Cindy had already finished her meal.. haha..
Kang ya's double burger meal.. Looks super appetising and cute with all those circular patterns. Onions, Ketchup-like sauce and hog tail fries..

Our 3 VIPs who rushed over from diff places for dinner.. kang, ngiam and mimi..
Yum yum!

Si min's the main provider of entertainment throughout the night =D
Such that we ignored the live performance of a singer over at the other side of the restaurant, we cant see him strumming the guitar anyway..
Listened to her rantings abt a certain friend.. and her '春天'...
As to how the word 春天came about, SM said some1 追求her. And Ngiam's 1st reaction was to say '终于等到春天了!' Lol.. But that poor guy got rejected on Valentines Day... but who so stupid, go profess love on V day? Kenna rejected then super sad leh..
Simin and Constance had fun suan-ing each other..
Constance came back with a swift reply: 不要以为你有人追就了不起啊!
It's amazing that 1st 3 months classmates are still meeting up.. the time we spent studying together's quite short yet after so so long.. we are still on good terms =DDD
Looking at my 2406.. Hmm.. rather not have high hopes~

Ordered Apple Crumble and Mud pie on SM's recommendation~
Super sweet.. especially when i scoop the mud pie together with some vanilla ice cream and chocolate syrup on the plate..
Apple crumble, can really see the apple at the bottom^^
Hmm.. the last time i'd eaten a apple crumble was like 2 years ago in Swensons.. Heh.. Forgotten the taste already. But i could clearly remember the interesting incident that happened then.

[Ok i know i'm diverging from the topic~
3 guys shared an apple crumble dessert, they haven't finished it when one of the waiters dropped by and asked Ru bin whether he still wants it. He nodded (yes, i swear i saw him nodding haha) but the waiter proceeded to throw a tissue put at the side of the plate into the plate of apple crumble & took it away from the table. *shocks*.. Seeing their expressions, he then asked whether they still wanted it. Walau, who will still want it after you threw that piece of tissue paper inside?!? Idiot sia.. Could still rmb Ric's face when he 'moaned' over the loss of his apple crumble~]

Mei nvs~~~~
lalala~ unabashed self-promotion..

A last group photo taken to keep for memory sake..

I played photographer of the day.. uploaded the pics to my computer the very next morning & sent them to Kang and Si. Just uploaded & tagged everyone in a facebook photo album when i finally have time today^^

After we had dinner, we went to the rooftop on Vivo and sat in a circle to play 'spin the bottle' heh.. Took turns to ask each other questions.. But i arent that kaypoh, cant think of any questions to ask leh..

Kang's fren happened to be there to celebrate someone's birthday and they came over to ask us to sing birthday song for the birthday boy. But the birthday boy's too shy to come out of the group of army boys. So we actually don't know who are we singing for. Hui xuan said 'it's like singing to a tree' (quite loudly and more than once.. haha)
Woahs.. first time sing a birthday song without knowing who's the person~

Cloud had a fun time with the gals^^

yunn. at 4:44 PM

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Watched it with BY on monday at E! Hub Downtown East~
It surprising to see the place with so many people on a weekday early afternoon, it isn't a school holiday rite? But there's loads of young people hanging out there. It's the latest 'in' place to be at perhaps?

Yeaps.. according to my prev post, i supposed to have caught the 1pm show of Nim's Island. As we aren't too early (i am a self-professed latecomer... BY too~) the queue at the cinema's ticketing counter's a lil long. The movie started long before we could reach the front of the queue =x so we decided to change plans to watch Speed Racer at 135pm instead. I arent a fan of Rain, but i think this movie should be quite 'watchable' with all the nice nice digital effects (it's directed by the Andy and Larry Walcxxxxx brothers who directed Matrix -i dunno how to spell their surname.. oops!)

The movie's hilarious at times, esp the scenes with Speed's little brother and chimpanzee. The chimpanzee wore cute clothes and it's like part of the Racer family. Yes, Speed Racer is the name of the protagionist of the story. It's a human being, i thought it was a race car/race track/racing game initially =p *blush*
The theatre's filled with giggles and stifled laughter whenever the animated imaginative thoughts and actions are played onscreen. Multiple horizontal stripes used to denote speed while the main characters aren't exactly moving. Like a freeze frame. It's the manga comic style of portrayal. It's really funny to see them in a movie. So cartoonish! So cute!

Rain starred as Taejo a Japanese racer whom Speed and his brother Rex (in disguise.. nobody knows he's Rex.. after some plastic surgery blah..with some story behind it..) helped to win a cross country race in exchange for some vital files to sue some evil, crazy, filthy rich, big-time racing company boss. But Taejo didn't keep to his promise, just made used of the both of them. Cos winning of races can help to jack up the prices of his family's company stocks and in turn, help his company earn big bucks. A bit of a baddie eh?
Haha.. but in the end after a series of events, he eventually (it rhymes!) used the information he had to help bring down the big-time racing boss who manipulated races. So he's not such a big baddie after all.
There's a scene whereby he pretended to be his sister to prevent his sister from being kidnapped. The scene's so short, one can easily miss it. He just wore a nice white outfit (knee length skirt) with a big hat to cover his face. Well.. He didn't look like a lady.

The movie's kinda long at around 160min, both of us were the first to stand up & head to the washroom after the credits started rolling. Chiong arh!
Didnt expect it to be so long, but the three races are filmed in great detail -Thunderbird (Speed's fav track), dangerous cross country race track (where Rex Racer supposedly perished) and the final Grand Prix. But no complains about the races cos they are excited enough to make me stay glued to my seat.

BY and i ate a whole box of Kokokrunch Duo (the new Kokokrunch with milk chocolate) 1st time eating so much cereal without milk =p
Hehe.. it seemed that we ate a lot, but when we took the packet out of the cereal box, we realised there's still half a bag left. Lol.. 200g only leh.. How come it seems so much neh?~ Hmm.. good thing is, it isnt too overwhelming sweet, so i could finish it.
If it's potato chips, then nah.. i've low tolerance for salt and fat laden potato chips.

After the movie, we walked around Downtown East~
Since i brought my camera along, must take some pics before leaving =p
From this pic, can't see BY's hot pink and deep purple extensions.. haiz.. she looked quite cool with them~ I wanna get extensions too!!!

Me carrying my new white-silver bag (a few days old^^) and BY's rabbit bag.. she personalised her rabbit -see that black glove? hehe.. can give it some clothes to wear..

Artistic shot of the new ferris wheel

Can't really see my face that clearly cos i was standing against the light, though i tried lightening the picture already =x

After that, BY headed home before going out in the evening to catch Ironman at night with another fren.. Hoho.. Monday's her movie marathon day^^

While i walked to Pasir Ris Ctrl for a haircut... Hoots.. haven't gotten a haircut for more than half a year, getting split ends alrdy..

yunn. at 3:03 PM

Monday, May 12, 2008

Had been busy for this few days~
Haven't had time to come online and update my blog..
A bit sian to tell my longlong stories (full day activities =p) as to what and where i went..

I'll be going out soon~
Catching the movie Nim's Island with BY aka Ida later at the new cinema at Downtown East (^o^v)

Oh and if u're wondering why am i so free to go out on a Monday, yeah i aren't working now. Quitted my art teacher job already. So if u have any job lobangs... tell me yeah~ Haha..

yunn. at 11:13 AM

Thursday, May 08, 2008

WARNING: If you are hungry now, please avoid watching this video..

It makes fried chicken look super yummy and leaves u with an intense craving for it~

My fav boyband DBSK's commercial a few years ago i guess.. judging from their hairstyles.. hehe.. cos their hairstyles and hair colours just keep changing!


The 2nd video that i posted here is a parody of a song from Japanese boyband NEWS (with my Yamapi!) The title of the cute song is called 'weeeek', the catchy tune lightens your mood immediately! With the 'fake lyrics' put in by a creative fan, it's even funnier!
For your info, Arashi, KAT-TUN and Kanjani8 are their 'rivals' (fellow boybands)
The later part of the lyrics is even funnier! HAHAHHAHAH.. I'm a convert^^
You don't have to know much about JE to enjoy this video clip! =D

Cloud took a break from Youtubing...
with stomach growling~

yunn. at 7:02 PM

Monday, May 05, 2008

On Sunday, i went on a free meal treat with my mother. Woah free meal sounds so nice right? Yeahs.. cos the RC where my mom's fren is volunteering at always call for the same caterer for various events, so this time they are giving a treat to thank the RC. So the trip only costs $4, that amount is to pay for the transportation fee.
3 bus loads of people going there, mostly senior citizens who always support RC organised events. Though this is just a short trip, some of the aunties dressed up for the 'occasion'... Hmm talking about yummy mummys, there's yummy grandmas who looked hip with nicely coiffed hair and holding the hand of a little child (grandchild). For a split second, one may have thought that he/she's her child. Haha..

Firstly the coaches dropped us off at Causeway Point for some shopping before heading to the dining venue in an ulu part of Woodlands. Within that short time, some aunties managed to buy much stuff提大包小包的, but the older aunties have got nothing much to buy so they just sat opposite Causeway Point to wait for time to pass. It was then that i came to realise that shopping centres cater to the young and middle aged, but not to the aged. What can they buy there? No suitable clothes.. The food sold are much more expensive.. Nothing of interest to them..

Early dinner which started at 4pm till 5+pm.. 9 course dinner served swiftly cos unlike wedding dinners, there arent any performance or presentations going on, so there's no fixed schedule on when to serve the food. Just serve ASAP. Lol..
For starters, we have longevity buns, followed by my fav cold dish appetiser with teriyaki chicken seaweed roll, mini octopus, prawn dipped in mayonaise, bak kwa, fried fishcake and century eggs. I love mini octopus!!!! Havent eaten them for as long as i can remember~ Next we have 'shark-fin soup', w/o the shark fin (SAVE THE SHARKS!) not that i mind, cos mushrooms and fried pork skin tasted fine.
Besides this, we have a whole fried fish in sweet and sour sauce. The sauce is yummy yummy!
One of my mom's fren Auntie L who sat beside me, is a fan of fish head. As she ate the fish head, she was like saying 形象,形象when the other aunties urged her to use her hands so as to eat faster. Auntie C said 吃东西本来就没有形象的, but 爱美Auntie L insisted on eating the demure manner =p
They have an interesting 'saying' for eating fish head besides its great taste -吃鱼头,中头奖!

5th dish is the ginseng chicken, thanks to the wind which carried all the aroma in my direction. Wow.. hmm.. 我还没吃就闻饱了! So nice smell!!!! 6th dish is ngoh hiang with yam bits inside, which made it taste different from normal ngoh hiang that we eat which mostly comprises of meat. I love the cucumber and pineapple achar that came together with the ngoh hiang. QQ cucumber is slightly spicy, hot enough to give the 'kick' but it doesnt leave a permanent numbing sensation that leaves u craving for water^^
I didnt eat much of the next dish, leafy vegetable with mushrooms. Not that i dont like veggies lorh.. I'm a veggie lover by nature. Just that leafy veggie will get stuck in my braces, so i avoid eating them when i'm out.
Next is liu ye bao with pork, more popularly known as Kong ba bao. Hehe.. I cant tahan the taste of fatty meat, so i spent some time separating the fatty and lean potions of pork before indulging in my lean meat loaded kong ba bao^^
Last dish of the day, longan and almond jelly dessert
But the almond's kinda tasteless, just like plain jelly nah..

Eat eat and eat.. got nothing much else to do, so i counted the dishes~
That's what i usually do.. 5th dish.. 6th dish le.. how many more coming up like that lorh~
I'm a glutton sometimes... Eat eat and eat.. I dont feel full at all..

Some interesting conversations that i heard from aunties sitting at the same table as my mom and i.
Waitesses going around saying '谁要ICE?' (sounds a whole lot of like爱given their poor english)
英女皇: '我要Ice(爱),越多越好!'
可爱Auntie:我也要Ice(爱)! (大热天,每个人一直要往饮料里加冰块)
Auntie L: 老人家需要更多Ice(爱)..
英女皇is a really interesting nickname that the auntie has, cos her name's Elizabeth, then she's quite rich and travels around the world frequently. That's why they gave her this nickname^^
The可爱Auntie is a happy, plump woman who enjoys talking and joking.
i didnt catch the first part of convo, they were probably trying to describe someone..
可爱Auntie went '她就像我一样瘦,一样美咯!'
Lol.. having a good sense of humour helps one to age gracefully and happily~

Cloud has had a great meal~
and went home with some thoughts..

yunn. at 9:33 AM

Saturday, May 03, 2008

Ben and Jerry's free cone day!^^ -29april

Went with YW to the White Sands outlet at around 2pm, after her lessons ended and this is what we saw~

See those long long queues~
Full of students from the Pasir Ris area.. of course, there's also students flocking in from other areas..
There's a grp of Hai Sing students queuing behind us, then 2 guys from HSC joined in later, one of them boasted that he had eaten 3 cones already. Cos there's many grps of HSC people, so they just joined diff grps (fren-fren arhh!) in the queue to get their free cones. Old tricks la~ Haha.. Who hasn't been there, done that? So YW and I just open 1 eye, close 1 eye. Pretend never see la..

Heh.. a candid picture of YW while we were in the queue..
She's probably complaining about the long Qs (who wouldn't?).. Haha.. this picture captures 'the moment' accurately, so i specially requested her to send it to me. She thinks it's unglam and refuses to upload to her blog =p
Nah.. chill chill.. candid shots can be fun~

Me~ with the oh-so-sian-it's-so-damn-hot-out-there look..

Unglam sia~
But nvm.. it's rare to have a 'glam moment' when u're queuing for freebies..
Both of us are holding a fan given out by B n J employees.

Eagle-eyed YW spotted Sihui in the front of the queue.. Surprised to see Sisi there! Hehe..
It's the third time she's queuing, to accompany her friend. So we asked her to take a cone for us (shun bian ma~) Thanks to Sisi, YW and i got a chocolate chip cookie dough cone to eat while queuing. We shared the ice cream cone oh-so-lovingly LOL..

Finally reached the end of the queue! See the nice display cabinet in the store..
There's only several flavours available for the free cone day: Chunky monkey, Chocolate chip cookie dough, Chocolate brownie fudge and Chocolate therapy.
I chose chocolate therapy whereas YW tried Chocolate brownie fudge.

Lick and eat quickly! Before it melts! The ice cream's melting real quickly, probably because the window of the freezer had been kept open for hours so the ice cream in the tubs are like defrosted even before they are put into cones~

I love Chocolate therapy cone! It has a slight bitter taste (just like dark chocolate) and it is similar to YW's choco brownie fudge, just that it's more bitter. Suits my tastebuds!!!


The weather's so hot nowadays, i have been eating loads of ice cream cos my mom bought 2 tubs of Kings ice cream. Almost everyday =p Oohs.. getting fatter liaox..
Delicious ice cream~ Bought another 2 more tubs days ago as they were still on 'special offer' in the supermarket^^

The top of the tubs reads:
Caramel Almond Fudge -> Rich and creamy caramel flavoured ice cream tossed with crunchy almonds and laced with luscious chocolate fudge. The sweetest treat to savour!

Tin Roof Brownie -> Chunks of oven fresh brownies and crunchy almonds tossed into creamy vanilla flavoured ice cream swirled with ribbons of thick chocolate fudge. A smashing treat for everyone!

Triple Chocolate -> Crispy chocolate coated sunflower seeds tossed into smooth chocolate flavoured ice cream and laced with swirls of rich chocolate fudge. An ultimate choco indulgence!

Rocky Road -> A jumble of marshmallows and crunchy almonds tossed into delicious choco ice cream.

After reading 4 labels at one go, i realised that they sounded pretty much the same, in terms of sentence structure =p Nevertheless, they can attract potential buyers^^ (like me? hohoho..)

Cloud caught the ice cream fever, amid the oh-so-hot-can-faint type of weather on the sunny island in the tropics

yunn. at 12:19 AM

Friday, May 02, 2008

Latest obsession.. Hahahahaha..
Totally love KAT-TUN's Akanishi Jin & Kamenashi Kazuya and NEWS' Tomohisa Yamashita
More affectionally known as Jin, Kame & Yamapi!~

Listened to some songs that Gladys sent me yesterday. Asked for KAT-TUN's songs initially, in the end i've got NEWS, AAA & Kanjani8 songs haha. Thanks gal! Yeah think Gla's right, i gotta be sucked into the JE hole.. (like her)
Oh btw JE is the management company that churns out loads of japanese idols & groups like those mentioned above.

It's way past 3am now... but i'm still Youtubing~
Well, what else?
Watching their videos^^

Super Cute la... KAT-TUN members speaking Mandarin

MV for Keep the Faith.. Song from the drama Yukan Club...this one has english subtitles
Jess told me about this j-drama sometime back, hmm i haven't found time to watch =x

An short snippet from Yukan Club, i have no idea what's going on, but their costumes & make-up are so funny! Make them look so pretty!

Ahhh.. i have so many dramas that i wanna watch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

yunn. at 2:39 AM